Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Experiment: Invocational Manifestation

The following experiment is an evolution of previous experiments involving identifying and observing ones own mechanical manifestations.
Select one of your most common manifestations. Take three to five minutes to breath deeply. Gently run your finger tips from your scalp line to your chin as if you are combing your face. Repeat the motion several times feeling that you are wiping away tension and removing your social mask. Feel your social mask as the uncomfortable accessory that it really is, something like a pair of nine inch stiletto heels or suffocating necktie that you can kick off at the end of the day.
Now begin to perform your manifestation. This time as you do it, invoke your presence, your essential self. Continue to perform the manifestation while being awake within the mechanical movements. Keep it up for three minutes. Then stop and resume the deep breathing for another three minutes to conclude the experiment.

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