Thursday, November 08, 2007

Every Little Thing

Every little thing will be swept away in the great storm. All of those things which seem big and important now, will become tinier and tinier as Father Time drives you onward towards the abyss.

Try to remember one thing, try to do one thing that was conceived of in your most passionate and inspired moment. If you manage to do even one thing, it will be a miracle.

The mind is like a dry erase board, a zoom room that reflects today’s special. Tomorrow the special will be different, and you will have no recollection of what it was that tickled your fancy yesterday.
All of those precious moments are being dragged like enchanted sea shells out to sea. If you dare to reach in for one, and hold a moment for too long, the tide will catch you as well. How gingerly you have hopped about to keep your toes dry, avoiding what will come eventually.
Those who do not risk holding the moment now will have had no practice when at last the red bull escorts them to sea.

What a whirlwind awaits us all. A greedy tempest that will snatch up all of your moments and toss them haphazardly, and you will find that you are those moments, that they are where you were meant to store your soul.

A moment is amorphous, regenerative. It is a point, a center from which you may begin a journey . Any moment will do. That maritime voyager, scuttling through the maelstrom will do much with a moment that has been made habitable.

All the Great Work that there is to be done is in tiny things. Put yourself in the details. They add up. One moment lived is a lifetime.

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